Frogworks Reviews

Reason #1:

“Frogworks’ Goal Is To Ensure That Projects Related To IT Go As Smoothly As Possible.”

From The Top

Helen K., Project Manager for a Non-Profit, first started looking for an exceptional IT company when their current IT company was not providing the value and service that was expected.  Helen explains, “We lost so much time each day with networks issues.  It was time for a change.”  What Helen didn’t know yet is Frogworks offers more than just computer support – Frogworks also shines in dealing with other vendors that provide support to our clients.

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Finally, A Solution For Managing Technology Vendors

When the Non-Profit launched a new website, the task involved coordination between a website developer, a web hosting company, and Frogworks.  Frogworks was at the forefront ensuring all networking configurations were in place and worked closely with the vendors to troubleshoot when necessary.  They handled last minute changes seamlessly and confidently, eliminating potential frustrations for the Non-Profit.  Frogworks was attentive and responsive, always at the ready to address the situation.

Recently, Frogworks was asked to work with a new phone provider for the Non-Profit.  As always, Frogworks’ goal is to ensure that projects related to IT go as smoothly as possible.  There were some glitches in the installation, but Frogworks was again on target, attentive and responsive.  The Non-Profit, while being kept in the loop, was spared the aggravation of having to coordinate between the vendors.  Frogworks continues to work closely with the new provider ensuring all issues are addressed in a timely manner.

Helen says, “Frogworks is the best!  The fundamental goal we assigned to the new phone provider and Frogworks was that on the cutover date, calls could be made and received and our customers would experience no change in the service they receive.  With Frogworks’ interaction, that goal was met.  Frogworks continues to be responsive and attentive working with the vendor to sort out some nuances.  They communicate directly with the vendor and keep me informed every step of the way.  I’m very pleased with the service provided by Frogworks.”

Helen K.
Project Manager,

Reason #2:

“Frogworks’ Cloud9 is seamless, fast, and always accessible. I can’t say enough about the integrity, dependability, reliability, and tremendous patience the Frogworks team provides”

The Problem

Our office staff needed a central technological place to share all areas of the fabrication process; from estimating, to design, to material requirements, to production and billing.  Shared Files on the Server was the initial answer.  However, The server often needed to be restarted for various technical reasons, which required all employees to exit the Shared files causing work interruptions across the entire staff hurting productivity.

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The Solution

Moving to Frogworks Cloud9, eliminated the need for the server, which eliminated workflow interruptions.  With Frogworks Cloud9 employees have access to files from the office, home or when traveling. Because of working with Frogworks Cloud9, we could eliminate various remote access programs that saved the company extra expenses.

Now with COVID-19, all of our administrative staff has the ability to work from home without having to go through any extensive “work from home” set up or risk exposure.

Frogworks is always available to handle any technology issues, from small questions to large technological issues. We always feel confident that Frogworks will troubleshoot and recommend the best course of action to resolve any problems. They take into consideration, the nature of our business and our staff’s knowledge level to come up with the best solution.

Frogworks’ staff listens carefully and makes sure they choose the best approach for our technology needs and individual staff needs. Frogworks is always quick to address any help tickets we submit, and often follows up with a phone call should he need direct communication to resolve the issue.

I can’t say enough about the integrity, dependability, reliability, and tremendous patience the Frogworks team provides.

Nadine B.
Office Manager
Industrial Group

Reason #3:

“If It Hadn’t Been For Frogworks, There Is No Way We Could Have Gotten Things Done As Quickly As They Were.”

The Problem

Right before Thanksgiving, the Construction Company was awarded a large contract that drastically changed the way they do business. Previously, nearly all of their employees reported and worked in their corporate office.  With this new contract however, nearly all of their employees are now scattered throughout the DC Metro Area.

Frogworks had been talking with the Construction Company about going to the Cloud but had never pulled the trigger because the timing wasn’t right.  We had been working just fine without everything (email, documents, etc.) being in the cloud.

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The Solution

The two days before Thanksgiving, the Construction Company called Frogworks and told them that they were moving their corporate offices over the Thanksgiving weekend, and they needed their email in the Cloud as well as their files.

Major General Roger B. affirms, “Frogworks didn’t miss a beat.  That day, Frogworks started the process for moving our files to the cloud and laid out a plan for our employees to be able to access their email during the Thanksgiving holiday.  The next day, our mail was moved to the cloud, and our employees were able to access their mail and files. Just to reiterate: During a holiday weekend, we needed Frogworks, and they were there for us.  They were extremely responsive when our moving company caused some glitches.”

You would think that the dust had settled over the weekend, but that was not the case!

Tells Roger: “Our new office did not have Internet service yet!  We had an installation date, but all we could do was wait for the new Internet provider.  Frogworks, again, came to the rescue.  They met the vendor at the door and ensured that we were up and running as soon as the Internet technician had done his job. They even made everything work with brand new networking equipment.”

In a span of less than a week with four of those days being holidays, Frogworks had the Construction Company fully functioning with little notice. “If it hadn’t been for Frogworks’ professionalism, amazing response, and expertise, there is no way we could have gotten things done as quickly as they were. Frogworks is a valuable trusted business partner in every sense of the word.”

Frogworks Reviews - Roger Blunt - Major General, Ret. - Essex Construction, LLC

Roger B.
Major General, Ret.

Reason #4:

“Frogworks always responds and keeps working on an issue until it is resolved. We have had a relationship with Frogworks for 20 years. The personal response, knowledge of the problems, and understanding of our issues makes Frogworks different!”

The Problem

When I first met with Frogworks, about 20 years ago, I had a couple of computers, one for me, one for my paralegal and one for my secretary, with no network and no internet access.   I had a summer clerk who ‘knew about computers’ hook me up to this thing called the internet.  Unfortunately, while I was hooked up to the internet, we did not install any sort of firewall or protection.  Well needless to say, my computer got completely corrupted.  Then I contacted Frogworks.

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The Solution

I met with Frogworks, and they almost immediately said the best thing to do was to replace the hard drive.  They asked “Oh, and by the way, where is the back up?”  (Insert blank stare).  Frogworks asked “Well, is there anything on the hard drive you can’t stand to lose?”  Oh, yes.  Frogworks offered, “Well, let me show you this annual contract that gives you unlimited support for a fixed price.  Or you can pay me hourly.”  I took the annual contract!  Three days later Frogworks had debugged the 200 viruses that were on my hard drive!

He then installed a firewall so they would not come back.

Then he set up a network.

Then a network with a file server.

Then a network with a file server that was backed up completely offsite and could be restored in two hours.

Then a cloud-based network with redundant back-ups.

Then VOIP telephones with massive upgrade in internet speed.

Then networked multiple offices as we expanded, complete with video conferencing capabilities.

Then, in an emergency response to COVID remote access for my entire staff in less than two days.

Erik F.
Law Office

Reason #5:

“I Get Real Peace Of Mind Knowing That Frogworks Is Part Of Our Team.”

The Problem

“I run a high-end salon owned and operated by my sister, Pamela R. I certainly have no interest in being a computer expert,” declares Leslie H., Manager.

As a motivated executive, her desire was to deliver great service to existing clients and research new service and product options for those clients. But computer networking, connectivity, and software issues were sucking valuable time out of her day. She was running herself ragged trying to keep things running! She even remembers several instances where she was forced to stay in the office after hours babysitting their former IT company.

Leslie explained it this way, “With our previous provider, there was one time where we were down for an entire week. Once we were finally back up, my staff had to enter data for the current week, plus the week we were down. It was ridiculous.”

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A Company That Relies Heavily On Technology

When you think about a day spa, massages and pedicures probably come to mind. But the fact is: the Salon & Spa heavily relies on technology to run and grow their business. They need their technology to help them keep their clients happy.

The Salon & Spa tracks their marketing activities, customer visits, and many other business tasks via their salon-specific software solution. This tool allows them to address problems and opportunities as quickly as possible.

Frogworks Lets The Executives Sleep At Night

“I get real peace of mind knowing that Frogworks is part of our team. They are dependable and consistent professionals. This allows me to sleep at night, knowing that everything is taken care of and Frogworks is keeping an eye on our network.” And when the network is running well, Leslie can focus on growing the business.

A Partner They Can Depend On

When the Salon & Spa began looking for another IT company, they read the book, “The Executive Guide To Technology: What Every Business Must Know About Making Technology Just Plain Work” authored by Frogworks’ owner, Alex Bleam.

Since they’d been burnt by previous IT companies, they were skeptical of the claims that Frogworks made in the book. She is now happy to state, “Frogworks has backed up everything they said in the book that they would do or recommended should be done.”

With Frogworks, Leslie knows she can depend on their history and a relationship built on trust. “I’ve worked with other IT companies in the past. I was never able to get the same level of support that I experience with Frogworks. Frogworks is our IT provider. We aren’t going anywhere!”

Frogworks Reviews - Leslie Hubbell - Manager - Galleria Salon & Spa

Leslie H.

Reason #6:

“We Rely On Frogworks To Provide Feet On The Ground For Our Multiple Properties In The Washington DC Area.”

The Problem

Headquartered out of state, the company began the search last spring for local boots on the ground to provide responsive IT support for their 14 properties in the Washington DC metro area.

David describes, “More than a year ago, our company had at our disposal a fulltime technician who was unable to keep up with the demands of the properties, and in some instances, the technician needed multiple visits to resolve issues. This put a burden on our company to provide satisfactory service to our sites.”

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The Solution

When Frogworks stepped in, the difference was remarkable. Tells David, “We rely on Frogworks to provide feet on the ground for our multiple properties in the Washington DC area. Since our first interaction, Frogworks has proven over and over again that they have systems in place to provide outstanding support and communication not only with each individual office, but with our corporate office as well.”

Gone were the days of not hearing back from their IT provider.  David elaborates, “When our needs have required same day or next service, Frogworks has consistently been willing to bend over backwards to accommodate us.”

With Frogworks, David and each of the local properties can now focus on growing their business, knowing that Frogworks will be here to help meet the challenges ahead. David raves, “The Frogworks technicians that have provided support to our company have done so in a manner consistent with excellence and thoroughness that has yet to be matched by other providers that we use in other cities. Their exceptional professionalism, procedures, and communication have set the standard by which we choose vendors in other locations.

Since hiring Frogworks, our company has been able to provide service to the sites that not only they require but they deserve. Problems have been resolved in a timely fashion working in coordination with myself to ensure that our site supervisors are more than just satisfied, they are happy. Choosing Frogworks over a year ago has improved the morale, productivity, and peace of mind to the corporate office and each location. That decision proved to be a wise choice, and one that any other company would immediately see a positive impact from their business.”

Frogworks Reviews - David Baizley - IT Administrator - Property Management Co.

David B.
IT Administrator,
Property Management

Reason #7:

“Frogworks Is Easy To Work With, Quick To Respond, And Dependable.”

The Problem

Research Analysis & Engineering (RAE) had been in a centralized office since 2000, and most of their staff worked remotely. When they needed to access files at the home office, they relied upon a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

The time came to make the move to become a “virtual office.” The biggest question they had was how their employees in different locations would access the files they needed. Frogworks talked to RAE about the cloud.

Frogworks explained that not every client was a fit for the cloud, but their new situation was a prime example of how the cloud would give RAE EXACTLY what they needed.

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The Solution

By moving to the cloud, employees would be able to access the files from anywhere, as if they were accessing a server. Employees are now able to access company files on the cloud no matter where they are located or what device they are using—PC, MAC, or even iPad.

Tells Liz of the move to the cloud: “We were told that transition would be seamless. Never having done any kind of cloud computing, we were skeptical. But the Frogworks Cloud9 solution proved to be the seamless transition Frogworks promised, and it is extremely easy to use.”

Raves Liz:  “Besides the quick, courteous, and dependable support service Frogworks provides, having the ability to have all the files from our old server stored on Cloud9 has been a ‘life saver,’ or should I say, ‘business saver.’ Frogworks is easy to work with, quick to respond, and dependable.”

Frogworks Reviews - Liz Kraighman - Research Analysis & Engineering LLC

Liz K.
Contracts Administrator,
Government Contractor

Reason #8:


“I appreciate Frogworks’ professionalism, and the thoroughness of the repairs. Their customer service is excellent and consistent, every step of the way!”

Frogworks Reviews - Ken Weikel - Owner - Chic-fil-a

Ken W.
Quick Serve Food Industry

Reason #9:

“Amazing Customer Service!”

“I’ve known Alex for years. He provides amazing service to his customers.”

Tom M.
President and CEO

Reason #10:

“Great Customer Service.”

“Great customer service and very helpful in explaining what my problem was and providing options to resolve the issue.”

Randy S.
Church Congregation

Reason #11:

“They Put Their Customers First.”

“Great people who put the customers’ needs first. These guys know what they are doing, and they do it well!”

John R.
Quick Serve Food Industry

Reason #12:

“Talk About Fast Response!”

“What I like most about Frogworks’ services is their fast response, efficiency, knowledge, and professionalism. We called late in the day, they were here in an hour and had us up and running within the hour, and they had never previously worked on our network. We now have someone to go to when have technology issues.”

Karina W.
Food Service

Reason #13:

“Hiring Frogworks Is The Best Decision I’ve Made In A Long Time.”

“All I can say at this point is that Frogworks is an amazing business. Their service is fast and efficient. Their team is so helpful and friendly, and not intimidating to those of us who are IT challenged. Hiring Frogworks is the best decision I’ve made in a long time.”

Judy H.
Vice President
Medical Practice

Reason #14:

“Alex And His Team Are Super Responsive To Our Calls Whenever We Have An Issue, No Matter Our Small Or Big.”

“Frogworks has been a great business partner for us, whom we rely on quite a bit to ensure our computers systems are operating at peak capacity. As just about everything we do now is in one way, shape, or form on the cloud, online, or on our computers, we cannot afford to be down for a minute. Alex and his team are super responsive to our calls whenever we have an issue, no matter our small or big. They also monitor our computers to ensure all the proper updates and things are being applied properly and timely.”

Bill B.
Construction Company

Reason #15:

“Five Stars!”

“When I have problems, Frogworks always responds quickly. I would recommend them to anyone needing professional & friendly IT assistance. 5 stars!”

Frank S.
Director of Estimating
Contracting Firm

Reason #16:

“They Solve Problems Quickly And Improve Our Efficiency And Security.”

“Very pleased with the service. The entire Frogworks team is highly responsive, knowledgeable, and friendly. They solve problems quickly and make appropriate suggestions to improve efficiency and security. Highly recommend!”

Dawn C.

Reason #17:

“Frogworks Took Care Of Me.”

“I had a need for IT service and Frogworks took care of me immediately. I am extremely happy, will use them again in the future and would refer to anyone!”

Seth H.

Reason #18:

“Attentive And Friendly.”

“I have always received good service from Frogworks. Their staff is attentive and friendly.”

Helen K.
Project Manager

Reason #19:

“I Highly Recommend Them!”

“Frogworks is very responsive and has been able to solve all of technical problems that I have encountered. I highly recommend them!”

Karin P.
Project Manager
Consultant Firm

Reason #20:

“They’ve Made All Of Our Systems, Including Backups And Firewalls, Run Without A Hitch.”

“I’ve been working with Frogworks since 2005. They are always professional and respond very quickly to our problems. Their willingness to help (no matter how small our problem) tells us that we are important to them; and that’s a great feeling! Best of all, they’ve made all of our systems, including backups and firewalls, run without a hitch.”

Dr. John T.
Owner (deceased)

Reason #21:


“Since hiring Frogworks, our computers run so much faster and more efficiently! I also love that Frogworks responds to every request immediately. Since we work in a fast-paced office, these both mean a lot! The Frogworks team is there to support me every step of the way.”

Rachael P.
Office Manager

Reason #22:

“Switching to Frogworks is a decision we have not regretted”

“In the Spring of 2019, my Non-Profit started searching for a new IT provider. Frogworks was brought to our attention by another national organization. After several conversations with Alex on the best approach to move forward, we engaged with Frogworks. It is a decision that we have not regretted since. The Frogworks team has worked with us to ensure a smooth transition, working with the former provider. Frogworks solutions set the Non-Profit up perfectly to be able to work from home in our diverse geography. We have been able to work effortlessly during this time. Frogworks has been extremely helpful and responsive to the changes we have made as our organization has made internal changes. The Frogworks team and solutions have made it possible for my Non-Profit to interact and share work with each other without fail.”

Audrey B.
Executive Director

Reason #23:

“Frogworks provided technology solutions fit my business”

“I have been working with Frogworks for 18 years. As our office has evolved, Frogworks was there providing technology solutions that fit our business. As the practice has grown, our IT needs have changed. The most recent changes including moving to Frogworks cloud solutions, including hosted email and file sharing. During this difficult time of COVID-19, the entire staff has been able to work from home without putting themselves or our office at risk.”

Lisa C.
Office Manager
Law Office

Reason #24:

“Frogworks is responsive and relevant with today’s technology”

“Before we became clients of Frogworks, we were not relevant with technology. We had internet speed problems, especially with Zoom. Frogworks helped us to implement current technology and we are now functioning effectively with Zoom and everyone in our office is on one platform and our office’s efficiency has increased. We have been pleased with Frogworks. They are responsive and relevant with today’s technology.”

John E.
Executive Director

Reason #25:

“You guys respond too fast!”

Courtney T.

Reason #26:

“Frogworks Cloud9 added to our efficiency!”

“Cloud9 provided by Frogworks gave us access to just about all the files/information we need administratively, to operate on a day-to-day basis, without having to physically be in the office. It also showed us how we could transition other physical “in office” functions to electronic files, which adds to efficiency. When COVID hit, had we not been on Cloud9, we would have lacked the ability to quickly/easily allow employees to work from home. I cannot imagine how stressful it would have been to get Cloud9 in place as we were trying to handle the stress of COVID turning our world upside down at the same time. Cloud9 has also shown us that working remotely could be a possibility going forward, not necessarily on a full-time basis but something to consider as an option depending on the circumstances.”

Gary L.
Industrial Company

Reason #27:

“Compared To The Last Company We Dealt With, I Saved Probably Two-Thirds For Our Budget With Frogworks.”

“We’ve worked with Frogworks approximately 5 years. I saved probably two-thirds for our budget. We do not get charged for every time I pick up the telephone, I don’t get charged because they have to drop by and drop something off. It’s a flat fee, and that works so much better. Their response time is amazing. I don’t have to wait until we’re open, I don’t have to wait a day – I wait an hour at most.”

Pam R.
Salon and Spa

Reason #28:

“We Rely On Frogworks 100% For Managing The Network That Runs Our Three Surgical Centers.”

“We rely on Frogworks 100% for managing the network that runs our three Surgical Centers. Frogworks designed and implemented them and has supported them flawlessly for many years. Whatever the job is, we know it will be done right the first time, and at a reasonable cost. The owner is knowledgeable, quick, and totally trustworthy.”

Dr. Paul S.

Reason #29:

“Friendly And Dependable!”

“Frogworks delivers friendly and dependable service. Every time we need to call them, they have been awesome to deal with and the service has been fantastic. We feel confident that we have a dependable company to call on when an issue arises!”

Kimberly M.
Transportation Services

Reason #30:

“We Are Confident That Any Computer Problem Can And Will Be Repaired.”

“Frogworks truly appreciates and understands what is needed for a business to be productive. We always appreciate and respect the level of personal and professional dialogue with the Frogworks’ staff. This provides us with a sense of trust and confidence. Their work demonstrates the highest quality and expertise, and we are confident that any computer problem (no matter how big or small) can and will be repaired.”

Betty M.

Reason #31:

“Frogworks Has Allowed Me To Focus On The Business Matters At Hand.”

“Having Frogworks handling our network has allowed for me to focus my attention on the business matters at hand. I know without any doubt that if something is wrong; Frogworks will be here to fix it. If the problem is complicated, their knowledge of the inner workings of our business will aid in their suggestion for a solution. They are always looking out for our success without regard to how it will benefit him personally. A rare quality in a personal or a business relationship.”

Jacki T.
Practice Manager

Reason #32:

“Very Helpful And Very Patient.”

“Frogworks are the best and always very helpful and very patient working with you on whatever task you need. Highly recommended!!!”

Cecilia R.
Office Manager

Reason #33:

“Frogworks Is Responsive To Our Needs, Including Working With Our Software Vendors As Necessary To Help Resolve Our Technical Issues.”

“I’ve been working with Frogworks for several years, and Alex and his staff are responsive to our needs, including working with our software vendors as necessary to help resolve our technical issues. When needed, the Frogworks staff have spent time on site working on hardware, and they have discussed our future needs to help us plan for what we need to consider for our networking needs as we grow.”

Kris S.
Service Administrator
Plumbing Company

Reason #34:

“You Won’t Be Disappointed!”

“Frogworks offers a total package of efficiencies and progressive IT management solutions that you should hold onto your hats if you should begin working with them in your business! You won’t be disappointed!”

Kelly A.

Reason #35:

“It’s like night and day difference from our previous provider!”

Nancy T.
Office Manager

Reason #36:

“Keeps Me Running.”

“Frogworks keeps my network and computers up and running so I can focus on running my business.”

Joshua K.
Outdoor Furnishing Company

Reason #37:

“You guys are absolutely fabulous!”

Veer S.
Financial Consultant Group

Reason #38:

“We Are Very Happy With The Services We Received.”

“Whenever I have a question or a need, Frogworks is quick to reply and takes the time to discuss and thoroughly explain information.  We have been with Frogworks since October 2017 and are very happy with the services received.”

Angela K.
Accounting Firm

Reason #39:

“Frogworks’ Customer Service Is Over The Top”

“Frogworks’ customer service is over the top, very professional with the client.  Their specialist came out to the site and addressed all our needs relating to the computer issues we were experiencing.  He was very diligent, professional, answered the questions, explained to us what he was doing every step of the way, using plain English-no geek speak.  The biggest benefit I received was prompt and immediate turn-around time.”

Kendra A.
Branch Manager
Apartment Rental Agency

Reason #40:

“Highly Recommend!!”

“Frogworks are the best and always very helpful and very patient working with you on whatever task you need. Highly recommended!!!”

Vicky J.
Stripping Construction Company

Reason #41:

“Their response time is VERY quick!!”

“I worked with Frogworks on some issues I was having with my email. Their response time was very quick. He was very knowledgeable and fixed my issue very quickly. VERY HAPPY!!!”

Deborah S.
Financial Services

Reason #42:

“Their response time is VERY quick!!”

“Our company of 55+ users went from a "reactive" IT department to "proactive" in 48 hours after bringing these guys onboard. The cost structure is straight forward and competitive; no surprise extras or "not included". Their response time is quick and effective. Look no further.!”

Gino G.